Are you interested in learning about personal finance? Do you want to promote financial capability within your household?
Gladstone High School offers a Personal Finance class for seniors! Mr. Dalgord will be releasing a Personal Finance Newsletter for each Unit taught.
The newsletter will give insight on what students are being taught in class and it can be used as a great resource to start your own conversations at home.
Open the attached document to find Unit 1: Checking! This document will provide information on checking, links to videos and articles, and conversation starters with your child/student.
Unit 1 Newsletter
Personal Finance Newsletter!! Unit 2: Saving!
In this newsletter, you can find resources to promote financial responsibility within your household.
Mr. Dalgord's personal finance class finished their second unit, Saving! In this unit, students covered the basics of saving, why we save, how we save, and different types of accounts (ex: Savings, Certificate of Deposit, Money Market Accounts).
Other newsletters that you can be on the lookout for throughout the school year: Managing Credit, Paying for College, Budgeting, Investing, Behavioral Economics, Career, Taxes, and Insurance!
Unit 2 Newsletter
Mr. Dalgord's personal finance class ended Unit 3, Types of Credit! Students had the opportunity to learn about credit/loans, credit cards, auto loans and leases, college loans, and mortgages. Students can use this new knowledge to understand the importance of a good credit score and how it can affect their financial future.
In this newsletter, you can promote financial literacy within your household by using the resources for conversation starters and by playing "Shady Sam, the Loan Shark."
Unit 3 Newsletter
Mr. Dalgord's personal finance class ended Unit 4, Managing Credit. Students had the opportunity to learn about the basics of managing credit, credit history, credit reports, credit score, and managing debt.
In this newsletter, you can promote financial literacy within your household by using the resources for conversation starters and by playing "Credit Clash," an interactive game to build a credit score.
Here are the different units students will learn about throughout the year: Checking, Savings, Types of Credit, Managing Credit, Paying for College, Budgeting, Investing, Behavioral Economics, Career, Taxes, and Insurance.
Unit 4 Newsletter
Mr. Dalgord's personal finance class ended Unit 5, Paying For College.
Students had the opportunity to learn about the basics of paying for college, FAFSA, scholarships, grants, loans, financial aid packages, budgeting, and repaying student loans.
In this newsletter, you can promote financial literacy within your household by using the resources for conversation starters and by playing "Payback," clicking on interactive websites, or even listening to a podcast.
Here are the different units students will learn about throughout the school year: Checking, Savings, Types of Credit, Managing Credit, Paying for College, Budgeting, Investing, Behavioral Economics, Career, Taxes, and Insurance.
Unit 5 Newsletter
Mr. Dalgord's personal finance class has completed Unit 6: Budgeting, where students were taught about the basics of budgeting and the gig economy!
In this newsletter, you can promote financial literacy within your household by using the resources for conversation starters and by playing "Money Magic," clicking on interactive websites, or even listening to a podcast.
Here are different units students will learn about throughout the school year: Checking, Savings, Types of Credit, Managing Credit, Paying for College, Budgeting, Investing, Behavioral Economics, Career, Taxes, and Insurance.
Unit 6 Newsletter
Unit 7 Newsletter
Mr. Dalgord's Personal Finance students have finished their unit on INVESTING! Here is the next newsletter that you can use to promote financial literacy within your household.
This newsletter features...
*an investment game called "Build Your Stax."
*an article about starting an IRA for your child.
*an article with tips for beginner investors
*an article on how to start investing and the importance of starting at a younger age.
Enjoy the newsletter!
Unit 11 Newsletter
Mr. Dalgord's personal finance seniors have ended the class with their last unit, Insurance!
A message from Mr. Dalgord to his personal finance seniors: "I wish you all the best of luck in your futures. Thank you for the great conversations, the interesting ideas that you have shared, and the work that you put into developing your skills in finance. I hope you all have found this class as beneficial as I have and that you all find success and happiness in your future plans! Go Braves!"
Topics covered in our final unit:
*Insurance Fundamentals
*Health Insurance 101
*Auto Insurance
*Home and Renters Insurance
*Other types of insurance
(travel, phone, pet, life, long term disability...)