Athletics Hall of Fame

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The Gladstone Athletic Hall of Fame has been organized as a way of maintaining the rich heritage and tradition of the successful athletic programs at Gladstone High School, and in the Gladstone community. In addition, it serves as a means of recognizing, preserving, and honoring athletes, teams, coaches, and individuals who made significant contributions to these athletic programs.

The first Gladstone Athletics Hall of Fame inductees are now part of the Gladstone High School Athletics Hall of Fame. The first annual Hall of Fame banquet was held on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at the Terrace Bay Inn. It was a terrific ceremony honoring outstanding athletes, coaches and supporters, and brought back a lot of good memories.  The 2012 Class of inductees are now part of the Gladstone High School Hall of Fame as well, and we are busy planning this year's banquet and ceremony. We hope you will plan to be part of this year's celebration.

2012-02-11 GHS Hall of Fame 185

Inductees from left are: Chris Dehlin (representing his late father Dr. James Dehlin), Brian Pelon, Ginger (Weber) Moore, Cliff Young, Dick Pfotenhauer (representing his late father Don), Steve Nelson, Jack Ingalls and Wayne Johnson.​


Click Here for a Picture Slideshow of the 2012 Banquet Hall of Fame
 Class of 2012 Inductees Information
Hall of Fame
 Class of 2013 Inductees Information
Click Here for a Picture Slideshow of the 2011 Banquet Hall of Fame
 Class of 2011 Inductees Information
Hall of Fame
 Class of 2012 Inductees Information
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  2012-02-11   2012-02-11
  2012-02-11   2012-02-11

The Hall of fame inductees were selected by the at large general membership of the organization. Anyone who would like to become a voting member can do so by filing a membership application along with the once in a lifetime membership fee of $50. Applications are available by clicking on the button below or can be picked up at the High School, from any committee member, or by calling Bob Hewitt. president of the organization. Hall of Fame Committee members are Karl Dollhopf, Don Howes, Rick Jensen, Dale Hongisto, Francis Cannon, Ann Altese, Dennis Grall, and Bob Hewitt.

Hall of Fame
 Nominating Form
Hall of Fame
 Membership Application


The next Gladstone Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Banquet will be held on Saturday, October 27th at 5:00 p.m. at the Terrace Bay Inn. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at the Gladstone High School Athletic office or from any Hall of Fame Committee Member.
Nominating forms are available by clicking on the link above.


1945 Football Team
1969 Basketball Win Faded
1966 High Jump
Capt Timler
1969 bball

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