Current Health Issues
When the weather turns cold
enough to bring hats to school, a few cases of head lice turn up also.
This pesky creature infests a child's (or adult's) head and lays hundreds of
eggs near the scalp. These eggs are securely fastened on the hair shaft
and need to be removed with fingernails or a specially designed comb. Lice
killing shampoo will treat and kill the actual lice, but are not effective on
the eggs or nits. Careful cleaning of the home and articles of clothing,
combs, etc. is an essential part of the treatment process. Checking the
hair and scalp should be done daily for two weeks, since the eggs are often
missed during the first head check.
incidents of head lice infestation need to be reported to the school office.
This bacterial infection is
quite contagious and bears careful watching since untreated strep throat
infections can cause problems in other body systems. If your child is
complaining of a severe sore throat and they have a temperature over 100
degrees, it is a good idea to see your family doctor to check for strep
throat. A simple throat culture will confirm the presence of streptococcus
bacteria in their throat. If strep throat is confirmed a student may
return to school after they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours and providing
they are feeling well enough to be in class.
cases of strep throat need to be reported to the school office.